About Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practice that originated over two thousand years ago. Although acupuncture has been practiced in the United States since the early 1800s, it has only been a few decades since the treatment has started gaining universal acceptance. In 1996, the FDA classified acupuncture needles as medical devices. In 1997 an NIH panel declared that there was sufficient evidence of acupuncture's value to expand its use into conventional medicine. In the twenty year since then, a multitude of studies have confirmed the effectiveness of the treatment.

It has been estimated that nearly 20 million Americans have tried acupuncture for various ailments. In sports a growing number of athletes are seeking acupuncture to treat injuries, musculoskeletal tenderness, inflammation, and pain. Many patients in the United States routinely rely on acupuncture to alleviate non-sports–related health problems, including allergies, asthma, flu, stress, depression, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, sciatic pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and discomforts from post-cancer therapy. In addition, an increasing number of insurance companies cover acupuncture costs for patients.

Acupuncture is based on the premise that a blockage or disturbance in the flow of the body's life energy, or “qi,” can cause health issues. Practitionists insert hair-thin needles to specific acupuncture points throughout the body to restore the flow of qi, balance the body’s energy, stimulate healing, and promote relaxation.

Acupuncture is often effective with a wide range of complaints, including chronic fatigue, depression, back pain, joint pain, infertility, asthma, addictions and stress. Acupuncture treatment is also helpful for many chronic illnesses and health concern that have no clear origin or cause.

Patients committed to a healthy lifestyle who receive ongoing Acupuncture treatment for maintenance and health promotion often experience:

  • Being sick less often and recovering more quickly
  • Improvement of vitality and stamina
  • Being able to take care of their own health
  • Relationships with others deepening and becoming more harmonious
  • Reductions in long term health care costs